Grow your skills

To demonstrate how DataSnipper can be effectively utilized and highlight its value across different user roles, specifically, preparers, reviewers, and management (final reviewers). Through this webinar, we intend to shed light on the differences in product adoption among these roles and bridge the gap and ensure that users at all levels comprehend the product's benefits.


Preparer / Staff:

"As someone responsible for preparation, DataSnipper has revolutionized the way I work. The snipping functionality simplifies the extraction of data from supporting documents, enabling me to customize content to meet user requirements effortlessly. With the automation features, my testing procedures have become far more efficient and effective. I find it challenging to return to traditional approaches after using DataSnipper."

Reviewer / Manager:

"As a reviewer, I have no hesitation in suggesting that my team employs DataSnipper for their tasks. It significantly reduces the time required for me to conduct reviews. The cross-referencing capabilities create an all-in-one solution for reviewing work and supporting documents. The work papers generated with DataSnipper provide a comprehensive overview of the work performed, simplifying the process of identifying exceptions and verified information. Moreover, it offers the flexibility to leave review comments for the preparer."

Management / Partner / Director:

"In my role as an engagement partner, I've witnessed the significant benefits of adopting DataSnipper within my team. I personally use the tool to prepare certain tasks, finding it exceptionally easy to extract and save information in a document that can be shared with the team. The review process is greatly facilitated, with the tool flagging exceptions that require my attention before finalizing the audit opinion. When our files undergo external review, it minimizes the need for extensive communication back and forth, as all the documentation can be conveniently reviewed from a single workbook."

Date: February 7th
Time: 3:30 PM CET | 9:30 AM EST
Duration: 60 minutes

This webinar is organized by DataSnipper using Zoom webinar software. Zoom is ISO/IEC 27001:2013 certified. Read more here.


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Meet our experts

SANGEETHA 7-bewerkt-webinar


Team Lead Product Marketing



Audit Transformation Manager



Audit Transformation Manager
